Wednesday, May 20, 2009


There are many benefits to riding a bike for transportation. There are the obvious things that I won’t mention. So here’s something not as obvious: You can hear people talking. I’m traveling at my usual s-l-o-w pace and I see a guy walking on the sidewalk. He looks at me and I look at him and wave (that would be another benefit of riding a bike. Establishing eye contact, waving and nodding hello are not that uncommon). Then he says “hey you look just like Robert De Niro.” I laughed, smiled and coasted along. Then about a block later I came back with this line. “You talkin to me?”

I am s-l-o-w.


JAdeleGold said...

Hey...Where's the snap?

Ani L. Arambula said...

you and me both! i always think of GREAT comebacks... afterwards!