Sunday, March 23, 2008


My father was rushed from the Menlo Park VA facility to Stanford hospital. He had an infection in his lungs from which he would not recover. He held on long enough that my brother and two sisters were able to make it to his bedside. We were lucky that we had time to thank my father for everything he had done for us, how well he had provided for us and how much we loved him.

I can only remember once or twice that I saw my dad without his wedding band, but they had to take it off when he went into the emergency room.

According to a Japanese tradition, we turned my dad so his head pointed north and we placed a small white towel over his face. For some reason I did not take a photograph of this, I just could not lift the camera. I'm sorry now that I did not. He was at peace and beautiful after such a long and agonizing battle.

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